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Competitions 2022-23

The competitions Team 7172 competed in during the 2022-2023 Season, PowerPlay

Worlds Championship

This season we were an alliance captain in division finals at worlds. Though we had a few technical difficulties, we were grateful to have made it as far as we did. The team also was a Think Award finalist. Overall, this year's worlds has inspired us to reach even further in future season.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 9-2-0

Awards: Ochoa Division Finalist Alliance Captain, Ochoa Division Innovate Winner

OPR: 101

Maryland Tech Invitational

The Maryland Tech Invitational was an offseason event that marked the end of the season and showed our growth as a team. We took this competition as a last competition for showing of our seniors. 

Qualification W-L-T Record: 4-4-0

OPR: 96

Texas State Championship

The Texas State Championship was overall a successful event where we were finalists and winners of the Connect award. We were able to start implementing some defense strategies that were useful for worlds at this competition additionally.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 8-4-0

Awards: Connect Award, Finalist Alliance


OPR: 130.3

North Texas Regionals

North Texas Regionals was our last local competition of the year. We were happy to be the winning alliance captain. We were also awarded the Collins Aerospace Innovate Award.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 10-0-0

Awards: Winning Alliance Captain, 1st Place Collins Aerospace Innovate Award

OPR: 171.6

Colorado State Championship

We were happy to compete this year in an out of state competition, Colorado State. We were able to come away with lots of learning experience for the Texas State competition later in the year.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 3-3-0

Awards: Semi-Finalist Alliance, 2nd Place Inspire Award, 2nd Place Think Award 

OPR: 108.9

TX North X Tournament

Through the tournaments, we were able to get tons of practice in for the upcoming season. We played lots of matches that helped us test and improve our design. As a result, we were extremely prepared for the season to come.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 28-6-0

Awards: Winning Alliance Captain, 1st Place Collins Aerospace Innovate Award, 2nd Place Control Award, 3rd Place Design Award

New Mexico Regionals

We were happy to compete in the New Mexico Regional competition this year and learned a lot that helped us in the season.

Qualification W-L-T Record: 5-3-0

Awards: 1st Place Inspire Award, Winning Alliance, 2nd Place Design Award

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